Traduttrice professionale italiano polacco

Lo riceverai entro un’ora
Lo riceverai entro un’ora
Traduttore polacco per mestiere

La mia esperienza di traduttrice madrelingua polacca al tuo servizio

Strumenti e tecniche per la traduzione

Ogni lingua è un sistema complesso di regole e di convenzioni, ma anche di termini che, a volte, costituiscono una “lingua” a sé stante.
Per questo si parla di “italiano tecnico”, “italiano giuridico” e così via.
Il traduttore a cui è richiesta la traduzione di documenti appartenenti ad uno specifico settore deve padroneggiarne il lessico sia nella lingua di partenza che in quella di destinazione.

Cosa distingue un buon servizio di traduzione
I miei clienti dicono di me

M. V. – Translation Agency Owner
Anna Cieślik has been collaborating with (…) for an extended period of over 10 years. She is our lead translator for Italian into Polish translation.
Anna is a highly valued professional who evidently takes pride in her work. She always delivers on time and is responsive, answering all email correspondence swiftly and professionally.
She makes good use of all reference material provided, performs thorough research and asks pertinent questions where necessary to ensure her translations are fit for purpose.
I would not hesitate to recommend Anna as a valuable member of any Italian>Polish translation team.

S. G. – Technical Writing Company Owner
As an owner of (…)., a highly specialized center offering a wide and qualified range of services in the field of technical communication and translation, I am happy to recommend Ms. Anna Cieślik as an excellent Italian to Polish translator. (…)
She has been working for my company since 2009 and throughout the years she has proven that she can perfectly translate technical manuals from Italian to Polish. She is often assigned with our most demanding clients and challenging translations, as she is prompt, faultless, polite and always on time.
I greatly appreciate that her work is always correct as she has never delivered a translation prepared poorly.
Traduzioni in polacco per fare crescere il tuo business